Access to Justice Awards

Each fall, TALS presents the Access to Justice Awards to recognize individuals who have contributed to Tennessee's equal justice community.
Award Descriptions
The B. Riney Green Award recognizes and emphasizes the value the access to justice community has for a particular kind of accomplishment – one that promotes state-wide collaboration on a project beyond one organization and strengthens access to justice across the state.
Click here to see past B. Riney Green Award past recipients or to submit a nomination.
The Janice M. Holder Award recognizes a professional whose work in private practice, corporate practice, public service or other social service has made significant contributions in advancing the quality of justice statewide by ensuring the legal system is open and available to all. This award is intended for professionals not focused on daily legal aid advocacy.
Click here to see past Janice M. Holder Award past recipients or to submit a nomination.
The New Advocate of the Year Award recognizes those who use their legal skills in an active, creative way that produces outstanding benefits for individual clients and the communities in which they live. Eligible nominees are attorneys and paralegals who work with a provider (LSC or non-LSC funded) of civil legal aid to low-income people, who have been employed by their program less than five years.
Click here to see past New Advocate of the Year Award past recipients or to submit a nomination.
Nomination Timeline
Nominations have closed for 2024.
Selection and Presentation of Awards
An ad hoc awards committee selects award winners. The awards will be presented in conjunction with Equal Justice University.
Visit the Equal Justice University page.